Robots (RPA) In Insurance: A Brief Scenario in the Insurance Operation

by onezero
5 years ago


Who said ‘insurance business’ is tedious? If you don’t have VooDoo, yes it can be boring. Let me explain you what can you do and what we do with VooDoo. Robotic process automation (RPA) saves life if you have lots of jobs for insurance and they are repetitive tasks. What is the process, let me show you as below as an example for traffic insurance:
  1. The insurance agency receives offers from 20 insurance companies.
  2. The insurance agency employee enters the website with username and password.
  3. Security verification is done with Captcha (different for each site) by the insurance agency employee.
  4. Employee enters the offer section and downloads the PDF file.
  5. The insurance agency fills the related fields manually in the software used (Document no, insurance cost, policy premium etc.)
New process with VooDoo RPA:
  1. VooDoo enters the site of 20 insurance companies in turn.
  2. Robot enters the website with username and password.
  3. Robot recognizes the Captcha security authentication with the OCR and write / signs the corresponding fields.
  4. Voodoo enters the offer section and downloads the PDF file.
  5. The robot alerts agency authorities for sites that have not offer file.
  6. The robot fills the related fields automatically and accurately in the software used (Document no, insurance cost, policy premium etc.)
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