What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

by onezero
4 years ago

Robotic Process Automation

RPA stands for robotic process automation. According to the definition of the Institute for Robotic Process Automation & Artificial Intelligence (IRPAAI) ” company to configure computer software or a ‘robot’ to capture and interpret existing applications for processing a transaction, manipulating data, triggering responses and communicating with other digital systems.”. [2] Here, the robot is not used in its physical sense. Robot means repetitive and rule-based work.

Robotic process automation is a software tool that automates regular and repeating tasks. This software tool can be used in company software or applications, communicate with users, login applications, enter data, open e-mails and attachments, and perform tasks. This software has a low error rate.[3] It’s close to zero.

There are different types of RPA. It consists of 2 different types:

  • Attended RPA (Automation with Human Intervention)
  • Unattended RPA (Automation without Human Intervention)

Attended RPA

Attended RPA is the collaboration of the user and the robot. This type of robot can be called human-attended automation. Attended RPA can be used in jobs that require user experience, knowledge, and skills. The user can start, edit, and finish the task.



Figure 1 shows the attended RPA process. The stages of the sales process shown.


Unattended RPA

In the type of unattended RPA, the process is completed by robots. Robots perform on the server or local.  The robot can use applications to receive information, apply these control rules, and execute operations to generate new data. RPA processes have a near-zero error rate. They rarely make mistakes. The worker assigns to by work unit can process monitoring robot operation. At the same time, the officers who prepare the process can create control stages in the system.[1] System administrators should explain the cause of the error. This error should correct by the explanation.

Figure 2 shows an example of unattended RPA. The stages of the sales process shown.


Choose the Right Process in RPA for Attended or Unattended Mode

Figure 3 shows attended vs unattended RPA.


The RPA Benefits


Dramatic reduction in error rates

Robots carry out their duties in a work order. They do not change or ignore the order. Robots make mistakes because of a code error or physical conditions (power failure, computer damage). Humans make more mistakes than robots. There are many reasons behind that. At the beginning of these reasons, there are situations like illness and depressive mood.

Efficiency in Time Use

Humans’ working times are different compared to robots. The robot can work non-stop. However, people can legally work up to 45 hours a week. Also, workers may be sick and not come to work. Workers get tired after a certain period. This situation can affect the success of the employee.

Increase in customer satisfaction

The robot missions are complete faster than a worker. Customers can communicate with companies in a shorter time. People working in these processes are direct to other departments. Thus, a correct management strategy chose.

High Investment Profitability

Robots can work every day. They don’t take a vacation. Employees need to rest. They cannot work on weekends.

Companies have a lot of employee costs. These expenses are like food, transportation, premium. Only electricity and necessary investments must be made for their operation. When considered in the long term, the rate of utilizing robots is higher.[4]

Efficient Use of Equity Resources

The most important resource is human. Human resource is a high-cost resource. This resource should be used more efficiently. Companies that use robots can direct employees to other departments. Thus, human resources can use more effectively.


Usage areas of RPA


  1. Common business processes and activities
  2. Commercial activity
    • Sales
    • Customer Relationship Management
    • E-commerce
  3. Activity of Auxiliary Functions
    • Technical support
    • Technology
    • Finance
    • Human Resource to Supply
  4. Industry and Specific Activities
    • Bank
    • Contract
    • Telecom
    • Retail sale


You can choose your process and develop on VooDoo RPA own environment. Voodoo RPA allows you to use many different technologies together.

Visit us on https://www.linkedin.com/company/onezeroi

  1. https://medium.com/@PierreCol/attended-on-desktops-unattended-on-servers-rpa-is-a-continuum-42b2b5a0afd2https://irpaai.com/: https://irpaai.com/what-is-robotic-process-automation/#:~:text=Robotic%20process%20automation%20(RPA)%20is,communicating%20with%20other%20digital%20systems
  2. https://irpaai.com/what-is-robotic-process-automation/#:~:text=Robotic%20process%20automation%20(RPA)%20is,communicating%20with%20other%20digital%20systems
  3. https://www.javatpoint.com/rpa
  4. https://www.javatpoint.com/rpa-use-cases-and-applications