Future Virtual Workers: IRPA

by onezero
6 years ago

Imagine that somebody does your jobs and also with high speed… Sounds really well? We can tell you that is possible. You guess it right; it is IRPA (Intelligent Robotic Process Automation)!

There is lots of repetitive works on different business lines as customer services, human resources, accounting, financial services, health assistance, supply chain management… RPA is useful for linked jobs for these sectors. Invoice sending to receivers with e-mail is an example for accounting business line. In daily routine, the steps;

  1. Verify the date on the PDF of invoices considering requested day (with OCR – Optical Character Recognition)
  2. Copy requested invoices in PDF format to e-mail
  3. Copy e-mails addresses from excel to e-mail receipt field
  4. Writing the subject to subject field and writing related day as variable
  5. Writing the content to content field
  6. Sending

Our IRPA Voodoo is your new virtual worker to do these jobs quickly and with zero fault. You think your business ROI and calculate your unproductive time; Voodoo is really profitable investment for your business.