RPA Beginner Level Tutorial - VooDoo RPA

by Ayhan Günal
3 months ago

Table of Contents

VooDoo Beginner Level Tutorial


Create Project

Voodoo RPA

    • First, open VooDoo Studio.
    • On the Welcome page, create a new project named VooDoo Tutorial.


When we create a project on the Welcome screen, a scenario is automatically created, now that our project and scenario are created, let’s add a screen recording for the robot to use.

Visual Record

  • Click the record button, then the studio window will lower and at the end of the 5-second timer your screen will start recording.


  • While the screen is recording, we visit VooDoo RPA Website and click on the search icon as shown in the first image, then type wiki in the pop-up window and press enter.

    • After the recording process is finished, we open the studio and click on the end screen recording icon shown in the picture.


We clicked on the recording icon and after visiting the screens we want to record, we stopped our recording and automatically our screen recordings will appear in the Visual Record Bar in the studio.

Application Start Step

  • Let’s create a start step, as shown in the picture, by clicking on the Start Step icon on the scenario toolbar.

    • 1) Let’s give our step a name via General Info.2) Click on Action.3) Select Chrome as the browser to open.


    • 4) Enter the URL we want to open. 5) Save it.


We have added the application start step, which will be the first step of the robot. This step allows the robot to open the screen we want. Now, let’s add a button step to click on this screen.

Select Region
    • 1) Select the screenshot with the search icon in it from the visual record bar. 2) Click on the “Select Region” button


    • 3) Cropping the search icon. 4) Click the “Select Region” button again.


Since we will be using a button step, we have selected the region to choose where we want the button step to click and now we can add the button step.

Button Step

  • Click on the User Interface bar in the Scenario toolbar, and select the “Button Step” among the options.

  • 1) Let’s give our step a name via General Info 2) Click Action 3) Select the Click Action as Left Button Click

    • 4) Click on Time Settings. 5) Select to wait for the post-process waiting time, and set the waiting time to 300 ms (you can choose flexible ms values according to your internet speed).6) Save it.


Why using Wait Duration After Operation? If the page we expect to open when clicking on the button step takes a long time to load, we put a waiting time at the end of the button step so that the keyboard step does not lose its function. (We could have put a screen validation step instead.)

We have created a button step to click on the region we want on the screen. The robot will first run the Application Start Step and open the page we want. Then, when the button step detects the region we have selected, it will click on that region as we want. Now, let’s create a keyboard step to type ‘Wiki’ on the screen that opens.

Keyboard Step

  • Click on the System bar in the Scenario toolbar, and select the “KeyStroke Step” among the options.

    • 1) Let’s give our step a name via General Info.2) Click on Action.3) When the robot runs, we want the keyboard step to type Wiki, so we write the Wiki input in the Text Value field.


  • 4) We want the keyboard step to press “Enter” after typing Wiki, so let’s select “Enter” from the Special Key bar.5) Click the “Add” button to add the Special Key into Text Value.6) Save it.

    • 1) Since we are using image processing in the scenario, we compile the scenario.2) After the compile process, click on the “Run” button to run the scenario.


We have successfully created the keyboard step. Now we can compile and run our scenario.